Web designers often have to juggle usability with design, making sure that one doesn’t suffer for the
other. Though usability is quite a broad term, in regards to web design North Queensland, it can be narrowed down to a few key facets i.e. consistency, simplicity, relevance, familiarity as well as the accessibility of your website. Though usability should be of the utmost importance to the designers, they commonly fail to design such websites causing inconvenience to the users.
Let’s explore a some tips and tricks to help you design highly functional websites, which will keep your customers coming back over and over again.
Focus on the core purpose
Nothing is more frustrating for a user when the website they visit doesn’t meet their requirements. Therefore, it is imperative that your step into the shoes of your customers, and view your website from their perspective. Make sure that you are focusing on the core purpose you built the site in an accessible and easy to use way.
Keep the navigation simple
The navigation structure of your website should be simple enough to let your users search and get to what they want. A well-designed website should be able to accommodate new links and any other change without much updates to the code.
Use a clean layout
The content of your website should be laid out to keep the user’s focus on your content, where it should be. A clean layout utilizes a lot of white space to enhance the looks and readability.
Design responsive
Most of the websites contain long pages filled with essential content. While it may be doing good on computers with large resolution screens, it would be foolish not to cater for mobile devices. If your website doesn’t display well on their tablet, they will leave. Designing responsive for all devices will ensure that your visitors will get the same experience through and through.
Design for readability
Websites that are easy to scan and get the required information play a significant role in engaging customers. A majority of users don’t read through the whole page, they scan it looking for titles, headings and emphasized text. So, keep this in mind while creating web pages.
Highlight important sections
Having a section with the salient features of your products and services is a quick way to allow your users to gather relevant information quickly. Many sites employ icons to help make their such sections stand out, maybe you can too.
Minimize the load times
Take a minimal approach with the graphics and optimize your code to make to sure that your web page loads quickly. It will help your visitors get to the required information efficiently, without requiring much effort.